Trips – Cracow & Lodz

For last two weeks 82 most beautiful women in the world have been in Poland preparing to the great final of Miss Supranational 2015 which is going to be held on December 4th in Krynica – Zdrój. Apart from the rehersals the contestants had time to travel around the host country – Poland.

So it’s just begun! A day in Warsaw!

It’s really exciting! Poland welcome the most beautiful women from all over the world. They are here to get the desired crown of Miss Supranational 2015. The big TV Final Show will be brodcasted live from Krynica-Zdrój on December 4th. But before the Glamour Night the 80+ contestants are going to have many activities!


The Miss Supranational 2015 contest period is to kick-off in two weeks. The 80+ beauties from all around the world will come to Poland on November 16th and 17th. The pre-pageant events will start in Warsaw and then the delegates will travel around Poland. The Great Final is going to be held, like last year, […]


The 7th edition of the Miss Supranational beauty pageant will take place in Krynica-Zdrój, Poland, on Friday December 4th with a live transmission via TV and internet. Around 80+ beauties from all over the globe will reunite in Poland starting on November 16th, to take part in the pre-pageant events including tours, presentations, competitions, photoshoots, […]